'Little Borders', a play for two actors, and accompanying exegesis

Author: Phillip Kavanagh

Kavanagh, Phillip, 2013 'Little Borders', a play for two actors, and accompanying exegesis, Flinders University, School of Humanities and Creative Arts

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'Little Borders' is a play for two actors. Elle and Steve are desperate to move into a gated community. Elle can't sleep. They're worried their Arab neighbours might be planning something sinister. Surely the walls of the community will keep them safe. But Elle hears a noise in the night. My exegesis examines the research into gated communities and urban fear that informed the first draft of 'Little Borders', and charts the dramaturgical process of two creative developments that were dedicated to redrafting this play into a script that is ready for performance. In examining the processes of drafting and creative development, I use this experience of writing my first full-length play to reflect upon the creative process, and outline a potential methodology for writing a play.

Keywords: Playwriting,theatre,creative writing,gated communities,fear of crime

Subject: Creative Arts thesis, English thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2013
School: School of Humanities and Creative Arts
Supervisor: Assoc Prof Robert Phiddian