Quantifying the interference achieved by cementless tibial trays and its effect on primary stability

Author: Lauren Wearne

Wearne, Lauren, 2024 Quantifying the interference achieved by cementless tibial trays and its effect on primary stability, Flinders University, College of Science and Engineering

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Cementless tibial trays, proposed for younger more active patients undergoing total knee replacement, rely on sufficient primary stability to facilitate bony ingrowth. Little is known about the interaction between the interference fit employed during the surgery and their primary stability, or, more generally, the initial mechanical environment.

Time-elapsed mechanical loading of cadaveric tibiae with cementless tibial trays with concomitant micro-CT imaging and digital volume correlation (DVC) was undertaken to quantify the initial mechanical environment. Limited initial bone-implant contact was found, which was related to the undulating resected surface. Increased interference was associated with increased deformation of the bone surrounding the implant and, during mechanical loading, greater implant stability. After loading, there was permanent deformation of the bone surrounding the implant and permanent tray migration, potentially reflecting the bedding-in period seen clinically. Together, these results provide a comprehensive analysis of the initial mechanical environment for a clinically successful cementless tibial tray.

Keywords: Cementless total knee arthroplasty, primary stability, interference fit, micromotion, time-elapsed micro-CT imaging, digital volume correlation (DVC)

Subject: Medical Biotechnology thesis

Thesis type: Doctor of Philosophy
Completed: 2024
School: College of Science and Engineering
Supervisor: Egon Perilli