Energy Management for Residential Houses

Author: Quoc Trung Nguyen

Nguyen, Quoc Trung, 2023 Energy Management for Residential Houses, Flinders University, College of Science and Engineering

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Nowadays, the energy management is the solution for adapting as a key solution for reducing dependence on the national grid, thereby reducing the disturbance of the national grid and this can help to strengthen grid recovery. Furthermore, energy management plays an important role in green energy development trend on over the world, it can be enabling the integration of the growing deployments of distributed energy resources such as renewable as solar, wind in the areas, from there can consider “off- grid”. Hence, during the recent years, there are enormous number of research cases, studies has been conducted in order to introduce innovative methodologies for effective energy management for Residential Houses. However, in this article, the author will propose a methodology in order to response the energy management for residential houses considering off-grid. The basic proposal is the integration of Solar Panels (PV) and Micro Wind Turbines (WT) which called Hybrid mode, this will be installed with Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) for household. But there are two scenarios power flow from renewable resources about energy for household. The case study will consider two Adelaide households with basic and equivalent electricity consumption and the potential to become part of an energy management program in an Adelaide area. From that, this typical consideration will be developed and proposed for more larger area. Besides that, this hybrid mode with BESS will be developed based on the selection of the suitable components and developed the system in MATLAB/Simulink to generate the power flow and energy. Moreover, the real data including typical data load, solar irradiance, wind speed, temperature, the actual cost of energy (COE) will be used to forward the expected results. The power from supply side and load side with exportation – importation power to the grid will be considered with cash flow including Times-of-Use (ToU), capital cost will be presented. From that, the results will present the benefits and drawbacks of each scenario from that, this can offer to establish the better scenario for the purpose of transferring, storing energy and adapting electricity demand in special times. And it can be called that the energy management for residential houses considering “off- grid”.

Keywords: Energy Management, Hybrid, Renewable Energy, Cost of Energy,

Subject: Engineering thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2023
School: College of Science and Engineering
Supervisor: Amin Mahmoudi