The fostering and inheritance of gardening principles, sustainability and knowledge of herbs, foods and their properties, being handed down from generation to generation in Greek and Greek Australian people (1st and 2nd generation)

Author: Barbara Doherty

Doherty, Barbara, 2011 The fostering and inheritance of gardening principles, sustainability and knowledge of herbs, foods and their properties, being handed down from generation to generation in Greek and Greek Australian people (1st and 2nd generation), Flinders University, College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

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This paper focuses on the gardening, food and traditional practices of the Greek Ikarian community as a basis of study, broadly exploring the centrality of food and gardening practices in family and community life, both in Australia and in Greece. It explores how the possibility of practices is being passed down from generation to generation.

The aim of this thesis is to discuss and identify the core variable revealed by the data which emerges, and to form the theory via this approach.

I have interviewed members of the Ikarian community who live in Greece and those of Greek origin who live in Australia, and observed differences and commonalities in their practices and knowledge inheritance. A desired outcome of this paper is also to discuss and identify emerging differences or similarities between those living in Ikaria and those living in Australia, and establish what factors underpin common practices.

Substantial evidence revealed a deep immersion in value inheritance in both cultures, and cultural origin provided a defining variable. The importance of tradition as a core value was expressed through many scenarios. The oral tradition persists and is evolving to embrace new expressions of culture, while the fostering of rituals, and knowledge transfer are evident in all segments of the market.

Keywords: Gardening, Sustainability, Generational Knowledge, Greek, Australian, Ikaria


Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2011
School: College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Supervisor: Maria Palakzoglou