Stranger: A creative writing researcher immerses herself in the Uncanny

Author: Katrina Finlayson

Finlayson, Katrina, 2017 Stranger: A creative writing researcher immerses herself in the Uncanny, Flinders University, School of Humanities and Creative Arts

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This thesis takes an explorer approach to creative writing research, asking how an immersion in the psychoanalytical theory of the Uncanny might be useful for contemporary creative writers. The reflexive research process produced a braided creative writing thesis which weaves together a long work of fiction titled Stranger, a series of creative nonfiction braided travel essays, and a critical discussion of the Uncanny as it relates to creative writing. This thesis offers a case study for contemporary creative writers seeking different ways to write about: notions of home; in-between spaces, from national borders, to the creative subconscious, to the relationship between critical and creative writing; contested memories; and anxieties of identity.

Keywords: Uncanny, braided essays, creative writing, reflexivity, Gothic, creative nonfiction, travel, wells, identity, anxiety

Subject: Creative Arts thesis, Humanities thesis

Thesis type: Doctor of Philosophy
Completed: 2017
School: School of Humanities and Creative Arts
Supervisor: Jeri Kroll