Traffic Impact Study for The New Development of Festival Plaza Tower, Adelaide

Author: Chathushika Jayashrini Kalubowila

Kalubowila, Chathushika Jayashrini, 2024 Traffic Impact Study for The New Development of Festival Plaza Tower, Adelaide , Flinders University, College of Science and Engineering

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As South Australia's population and infrastructure continue to expand, the traffic congestion through signalized intersections within the Central Business District (CBD) would definitely worsen. This research analyzes the influence of a new large-scale development of Festival Plaza Tower in Adelaide's CBD, on the signalized intersections and pedestrian crossings in the close vicinity and thereby on drivers, pedestrians, the economy, and the environment by conducting a traffic impact study (TIS).

The solutions to mitigate such influences were to be found within the existing constraints in the road network while meeting all the functional requirements in smooth vehicular traffic and smooth pedestrian crossings at the worst traffic flow that could be expected and meeting other critical attributes in pedestrian and vehicle safety, minimized emissions and noise etc.

This research approach consists of several critical stages aimed at gaining an in-depth understanding of the traffic dynamics in the study area. To begin the investigation, a detailed analysis of the current road network was conducted to get insight into the current traffic situation. Cross-referencing statistics from the Department of Infrastructure and Transport (DIT) with on-site observed data was highly useful in determining the current volume of vehicle in the study region, which is critical for modelling its existing condition.

The next step was to evaluate the effect of new development on the volume of vehicular traffic in the area of study. Trip generation estimates aided this assessment enabling a quantitative understanding of how the development affect the flow of traffic. Two advanced computer tools, SIDRA and AIMSUN, were used to assess the overall effects of these adjustments. These software programs were crucial in determining the capacity of the infrastructure and the flow of traffic, providing vital details about how effectively the road system was performing. Both software programs were strategically used; SIDRA focuses on intersection analysis, while its outputs were simply incorporated into the AIMSUN model, providing a thorough simulation of traffic performance across the entire area of the study.

SIDRA and AIMSUN software were used to model intersections and road network near the development site for the years 2023 (Existing Model), 2024 (after Flinders at Festival Plaza opens), 2025 (after the redevelopment is finished), the future scenarios (10 years), and to model with optimum solution.

This study involved data collection, model design using SIDRA and AIMSUN, model calibration and validation, and recommending an optimum solution. In summary, this study offers the optimum recommendations for reducing the negative effects of traffic. The proposed recommendations include adding one lane in each of the four directions at the intersection TS001 together with converting short lanes used for South Exit and West Approach to full lanes covering the entire distance between TS001 and TS055. Additionally, the short lane on the South Exit at TS055 was proposed to be extended up to 100m. Also, the network cycle time was changed from 100s from 110s as a result of solution optimization. The expected development cost was estimated at $10.8 million. Further a sensitivity analysis was done to identify any other factors that may impact on vehicle traffic.

These suggestions focus on improving the road system and optimizing traffic signal settings, which will ultimately lead to increased traffic efficiency and the overall well-being of the local community. This data would be useful for future development ideas and research in the field of transportation engineering.

Keywords: Festival Plaza Tower, Adelaide, Traffic impact study, signalized intersections, economy, environment, Road network, Department of Infrastructure and Transport, Trip generation estimates, SIDRA, AIMSUN, intersection analysis, simulation, traffic performance, Model design, model calibration, model validation, optimum solution, traffic signal optimization, development cost, Sensitivity analysis, vehicle traffic

Subject: Engineering thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2024
School: College of Science and Engineering
Supervisor: Dr. Nicholas Holyoak