Optimal sizing of solar PV and battery energy for grid connected house based on energy sharing

Author: Siraj Khanal

Khanal, Siraj, 2023 Optimal sizing of solar PV and battery energy for grid connected house based on energy sharing, Flinders University, College of Science and Engineering

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This study examines the optimal sizing of solar photovoltaic (PV) and battery energy storage (BES) systems for grid-connected residential houses, considering an energy sharing scheme. Two houses share the energy under mutually agreed electricity rates. House 1 (H1) has the PV panels and BES whereas house 2 (H2) do not have any of those. H1 and H2 are willing to share the energy for their own benefits to reduce their cost of electricity (COE). The main objective function of the study is to minimize the COE for H1 while decreasing the COE for H2. Three studies are conducted, and their results are observed. One of them is buying, selling, and sharing energy with flat electricity rate, second with time of use (TOU) rates. Both studies do not consider electric vehicle (EV) in the system and finally the third study includes the EV integration in H1 and TOU electricity rates.

The developed methodology of the energy management system is general in nature and can be used between any of the 2 houses willing to share the energy. Particle swarm optimization (PSO) method is used to investigate the optimal sizing of system components and COE due to its high convergence rate and accuracy. Real data for solar irradiance, temperature, load consumption of each house, components cost, electricity and tariff rates are taken for the study. To show that this study also works in flexible contract between the houses, four different scenarios are conducted, and their results are obtained and analysed. Scenarios represent different years of energy sharing contract between houses. Eight different schemes are made for TOU study. To make these 8 schemes, 3 factors which are TOU buying electricity rate from grid, TOU selling electricity to grid and TOU energy sharing price between the houses are considered. Six different configurations are made to compare the results between them for EV study.

For all these studies, sensitivity analysis for 20-year contract is conducted by changing the export power to grid, variation of load consumption for each house, PV-BES cost variation and its effects in optimal sizing and COE for both houses are observed and discussed. Additionally, the operational analysis is reported, and power flow diagram is made for sample two consecutive days of summer and winter. T-T-T scheme is chosen in which first T represents TOU rate for buying electricity from grid, TOU rate for selling electricity to grid and TOU energy sharing rate between houses for all the analysis as it offers lowest COE for H1 while decreases COE for H2 reasonably. Due to uncertain factors such as solar irradiance and temperature variations, uncertainty analysis is done for this study.

Keywords: Renewable Energy, Battery Energy Storage, Solar Photovoltaic, Energy Management System, Energy Sharing, Peer to Peer Energy Sharing, Optimal Sizing, Cost of Electricity, Particle Swarm Optimization, Electric Vehicle, Electricity Tariffs.

Subject: Engineering thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2023
School: College of Science and Engineering
Supervisor: Dr. Amin Mahmoudi