Intelligent system of a wheelchair with a Kinect camera and Arduino board

Author: Mazen Ahmed Shuwaylan

Shuwaylan, Mazen Ahmed, 2019 Intelligent system of a wheelchair with a Kinect camera and Arduino board, Flinders University, College of Science and Engineering

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This final report is about the smart wheelchair system, designed for the achievement of the three main objectives of the project. The three main goals for this project were to ensure that the newly designed smart wheelchair system with the Arduino board and Kinect camera is capable of identifying the door tags, identifying objects in its path, and track the purposes of these identified objects. A thorough literature review was conducted in this project to discover relevant data and information about the three main objectives of this smart wheelchair system project. The wheelchair system was designed with the integration of Microsoft Kinect camera and the Arduino board that not only ensured identification and finding of objects and obstacles in the path of the wheelchair but also helped in tracking objects and identifying doors from their door tags.

Keywords: Intelligent system of a wheelchair with a Kinect camera and Arduino board, wheelchair, Kinect camera, Arduino board, smart wheelchair, identifying the door tags, identifying objects, track identified objects,

Subject: Engineering thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2019
School: College of Science and Engineering
Supervisor: Dr. Nasser Asgari