Behaviour of laterally loaded monopiles

Author: Qianlong Chang

Chang, Qianlong, 2021 Behaviour of laterally loaded monopiles, Flinders University, College of Science and Engineering

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With the shortage of global fossil fuel resources and human beings began to advocate low-carbon life style and environmental protection. Renewable energy has become a hot research topic, among which offshore wind power and tidal turbine are the key research objects. Offshore wind power foundation is affected by wind load and wave load all year round. Large diameter monopile is a traditional foundation structure, which can maintain the stability of offshore wind power generation structure.

This paper introduces the interaction between monopile and soil and studies the behaviour of monopile under laterally load by means of model experiment and numerical simulation. There are four contents in this study case, which are literature review, experimental analysis, numerical analysis and conclusion.

This study investigated the relationship between the horizontal displacement of monopile foundation on the sand surface and pile diameter and embedded depth through model experiment and carries out numerical simulation of large-diameter monopile foundation through RSPile software to deduce the displacement of real-size pile under laterally load.

Keywords: Monopile laterally load RSPile

Subject: Engineering thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2021
School: College of Science and Engineering
Supervisor: Hongyu Qin