Globalisation and the Implication for Domestic Violence Against Women and Girls in Cambodia

Author: Soren Soeum

Soeum, Soren, 2018 Globalisation and the Implication for Domestic Violence Against Women and Girls in Cambodia, Flinders University, College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

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Domestic violence, committed by men, is still prevalent during contemporary development in Cambodia. The paper’s purpose is to explore the relationships between globalisation and domestic violence against women and girls in Cambodia. Put simply, this paper seeks to understand the relationships of family disputes through the lenses of women in labour markets and hegemonic masculinity, all of which are underpinned by globalisation. The discussion suggests that domestic violence cannot be compartmentalised to be the only problems at individual and family levels. To understand this phenomenon, it requires a necessary focus on the practices and patterns that tend to be formed through the agenda of inequality at individual, community, societal and global levels. This interconnectedness is seen through the links between urban and rural development related to globalisation and women’s economic deficits; or between globalised capitalist ideologies and local integrity and norms, regarding women’s and men’s identities in society. As will be made clear, when their primary caregivers are at risk of violence or are being left behind, children themselves are also more vulnerable to violence due to interdependency and the interrelatedness of their development with that of their parents. Together with the findings, the suggestion is that within the maze of the mainstream development processes, Cambodia should promote gender equality, which is the ultimate goal of a gender mainstreaming strategy that is being promoted nationwide toward a violence-free society and for achieving the goal 5 of Sustainable Development Goals moving to sustainable development.

Keywords: Domestic Violence, Globalisation, Development, Sustainable Development, Gender equality, Cambodia

Subject: International Studies thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2018
School: College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Supervisor: Associate Professor Yvonne Corcoran-Nantes