Information-flow Quality Determinacy

Author: Rebecca Hermon

Hermon, Rebecca, 2023 Information-flow Quality Determinacy, Flinders University, College of Science and Engineering

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Analysis of medication errors reveal that information-flow failure may be caused by human error by omissions/ commission and has significant impact on patient safety. As such, there is a need to measure and understand information-flow to identify desirable and undesirable information-flow characteristics so that information-flow failure can be negated. The objective of this research was to develop a healthcare information-flow framework that could improve information-flow by measuring the maturity of the process. This required the development of information-flow characteristics to demonstrate the effectiveness of information-flow in healthcare. Using a Design Science Research Methodology, a healthcare information-flow maturity framework comprising a maturity matrix, scoring tool and improvement advice was developed, refined, and validated. This framework has the potential to be used during the reporting and post-incident investigation of information-flow failure to identify where improvement can be made, and ultimately improve patient safety.

Keywords: information-flow, information-flow maturity, information-flow measurement, information-flow characterstics, design science, framework development

Subject: Computer Science thesis

Thesis type: Doctor of Philosophy
Completed: 2023
School: College of Science and Engineering
Supervisor: Professor Patricia Williams