Indonesian Women’s Involvement in Islamist Movements: From Da’wa To Women’s Empowerment

Author: . Mujahiduddin

Mujahiduddin, ., 2019 Indonesian Women’s Involvement in Islamist Movements: From Da’wa To Women’s Empowerment, Flinders University, College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

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This original fieldwork study investigates the participation of Indonesian women in the Islamist movements Hizbut Tahir and WI in terms of their motives, objectives, challenges, and the pursuit of social change. A qualitative inquiry involving in-depth one to one interviews, observation, and analysis of literature was conducted with the both male and female members of HTI and WI in Makassar. Data analysis was guided by thematic analysis, and piety politics and a women’s empowerment framework were used to analyse the data. Research findings show that there are a variety of incentives, benefits, and challenges which Islamist women have and face. HTI and WI women believe that what they do is a form of embodiment of religious observance or worship to God, as they conduct da’wa which is believed to be God’s project. Da’wa based on collected information, can be divided into two categories: personal and public da’wa. the former is to transform selves into a pious individual, while the latter is work that engages individuals in the true faith and orientates to create a transformation of Islamic social order. It is the contention of this research that such da’wa activities carried out by women in HTI and WI to reform themselves and society has made a direct and significant contribution to the women’s empowerment.

Keywords: Islamist movements, Indonesian Islamist women, da'wa, and women's empowerment

Subject: Women's Studies thesis

Thesis type: Doctor of Philosophy
Completed: 2019
School: College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Supervisor: Yvonne Corcoran Nantes