Oaklands Crossing Grade Separation Evaluation

Author: Yinfu Bai

Bai, Yinfu, 2018 Oaklands Crossing Grade Separation Evaluation, Flinders University, College of Science and Engineering

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Oaklands Crossing is located 1 kilometre away from Westfield Marion shopping centre. The intersection is between Morphett Road, Diagonal Road and Seaford Railway. There are 42,000 vehicles passing through this intersection every day. This report will briefly introduce the background of Oaklands Crossing, include location and local business. Then the purpose of this project will be interpreted, followed by literature review with existing issues in this intersection, including traffic business and safety concerns. The grade separation design methodology for other similar situations and for Oaklands Crossing will be mentioned in the literature review as well. The types of grade separation will be reviewed, including railway underpass and overpass road, road underpass and overpass railway. Then the software others used for Nano-scale analysis to do grade separation or similar situation will be reviewed hence to related to methodology of this project.

The methodology of this project then will be introduced and detailed steps will be listed, including data collection and analysis, SIDRA modelling and analysis, Infraworks modelling and analysis and evaluation. The detail of collecting data, issues during data collection, detailed data analysis and calculation will be interpreted. Two software packages used in this project, SIDRA and Infraworks, will be briefly introduced and explained why they were selected to be used. All steps of model building and analysis process will be explained. There are 4 different scenarios in this report including DPTI design, additional lane on North Morphett Road, additional lane on Diagonal Road and Unsignalized intersection design, they will be listed and the reason for the different designs explained. Then in discussion, all scenarios will be compared and all results will be discussed and evaluated in order to present hence the best economic and environmental scenario to be selected in the conclusion section. Following the conclusion of this project. All the help from supervisor and other teachers will be mentioned in the acknowledgement.

Keywords: Oaklands Crossing, Grade Separation, Evaluation, Marion shopping centre, SIDRA, Infraworks, Data analysis, data collection, transport, traffic, Morphett Road, Diagonal Road

Subject: Engineering thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2018
School: College of Science and Engineering
Supervisor: Nick Holyoak