Η διδασκαλία της Ελληνικής Γλώσσας στα παροικιακά σχολεία της Νότιας Αυστραλίας. (Τάξεις 8η-10η) Teaching Modern Greek in South Australia's Ethnic Schools. (Years 8-10)

Author: Antonios Litinas

Litinas, Antonios, 2020 Η διδασκαλία της Ελληνικής Γλώσσας στα παροικιακά σχολεία της Νότιας Αυστραλίας. (Τάξεις 8η-10η) Teaching Modern Greek in South Australia's Ethnic Schools. (Years 8-10), Flinders University, College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

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This thesis aims to investigate, present and discuss the teaching and learning of Modern Greek as a first/mother, second or foreign language in South Australia’s Ethnic Schools. More precisely, the theoretical framework of the teaching and learning of a language, including Modern Greek, at the secondary level is overviewed and surveyed, and educational methods used in Ethnic Schools are reported and discussed widely, in order to evaluate effective and successful learning outcomes.

The thesis is based on primary and secondary resources and qualitative and quantitative research methods. The theoretical framework of the acquisition of a language, including Modern Greek, as a first/mother, second or foreign language is established mainly through secondary resources and is presented in the literature review. The historical background as well as the teaching and learning of Modern Greek in South Australia’s Ethnic Schools, and the discussion and evaluation of the educational methods used are based on primary and secondary resources such as surveys and interviews.

Keywords: Modern Greek, South Australia, Ethnic Schools, Teaching,

Subject: Education thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2020
School: College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Supervisor: Professor Michael Tsianikas