The reading habits of the French in 2015, with particular reference to bestsellers

Author: Merry Ewing

Ewing, Merry, 2016 The reading habits of the French in 2015, with particular reference to bestsellers , Flinders University, School of Humanities and Creative Arts

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Abstract: How has a literature-loving nation such as France fared in the face of increasing permeation of technology as regards reading habits, and how have bestsellers changed over the past fifty years, further impacting on reading habits? This study examines current reading habits, and specifically bestsellers in contemporary France. Results suggest that while the French see themselves as readers, they, and in particular the younger generation, are reading fewer books overall, whilst as a nation they remain, for the moment, adherents of reading in print form. The study also suggests that French bestsellers have changed quite dramatically compared to fifty years ago, particularly regarding nationality and gender of authors and preferred genres. Difficulty in procuring data signposts further study, as does the generational gap in reading habits.

Keywords: French bestsellers, reading habits.

Subject: Languages thesis, Linguistics thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2016
School: School of Humanities and Creative Arts
Supervisor: Associate Professor Eric Bouvet