‘A Spirituality of silence’ An interpretation of Karl Rahner and his importance as a resource for contemporary initiatives in spiritual formation

Author: Philip John Daughtry

Daughtry, Philip John, 2010 ‘A Spirituality of silence’ An interpretation of Karl Rahner and his importance as a resource for contemporary initiatives in spiritual formation, Flinders University, School of Humanities and Creative Arts

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This thesis offers an interpretation of the life and work of Karl Rahner with the specific purpose of introducing and recommending him as an important source for contemporary initiatives in spiritual formation. The guiding notion through which this thesis is developed is that of a perceived ‘spirituality of silence’. This notion is explored and developed with reference to Rahner’s biography, his Ignatian spiritual roots, his first and most widely read book of prayers and his theologies of mystery, word and sacrament. Finally, the thesis facilitates an extended discussion between the dimensions of ‘spirituality of silence in Rahner’ and the contemporary spirituality of Western culture and the place and role of the church. An extended version of this summary is offered in the introductory section of the thesis proper.

Keywords: Silence,spirituality,spiritual,Karl Rahner,contemporary

Subject: Theology thesis

Thesis type: Doctor of Philosophy
Completed: 2010
School: School of Humanities and Creative Arts
Supervisor: Dr Mark Worthing