Ambiguity and Incongruity in Genesis 18:9-15 - An Interpretive Study of Sarah’s Laughter

Author: Peter Morton

Morton, Peter, 2021 Ambiguity and Incongruity in Genesis 18:9-15 - An Interpretive Study of Sarah’s Laughter, Flinders University, College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

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This paper provides an interpretive study of the Genesis 18:9-15 passage, with a focus on the influence of ambiguity and incongruity as literary devices in relation to Sarah’s laughter in the story. Theories of laughter are presented in order to provide contextual understanding of the way in which humour is communicated specifically through literature. The research examines the function of literary devices, together with the interplay between author, reader and text, to elucidate how meaning and significance is communicated for interpretation today. This study postulates that the presence of incongruity and ambiguity within this narrative involving Sarah is an invitation for others to laugh with God, and with each other.

Keywords: ambiguity, incongruity, biblical, literature, literary devices, narrative, interpretation, meaning, gaps, silences, blanks, laughter, imagination, Genesis, God, Sarah, Abraham, Isaac

Subject: Theology thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2021
School: College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Supervisor: Rev Dr Graham Buxton