Exploring Zingerone as a Natural Antibacterial Agent: Potential Applications in Food Safety

Author: Mengyu Hu

Hu, Mengyu, 2024 Exploring Zingerone as a Natural Antibacterial Agent: Potential Applications in Food Safety, Flinders University, College of Medicine and Public Health

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Most of the traditional food-grade disinfectants are made of chemicals. There are several drawbacks and issues with traditional food-grade disinfectants, including toxicity, corrosiveness, instability, and irritation, all of which the safety and quality of humans and the environment. Research into zingerone, one of ginger (Zingiber officinale) 's active chemicals that has strong antibacterial properties, is still in its early stages. From the perspective of food-grade disinfectants, existing studies have not found that zingerone has adverse effects on human health and does not have the corrosive effects of traditional disinfectants. Scientists plan to extract multiple extractions from ginger to compare with zingerone and use the minimum inhibitor concentration broth dilution method with Escherichia coli as the test organism to evaluate their disinfection efficiency. Throughout the testing process, they will adhere to appropriate controls, repeat tests and follow safety procedures. And evaluate the disinfection efficiency compared with traditional disinfectant (10% bleach). The final experimental results confirmed that zingerone has good antibacterial properties and stability, and zingerone has great potential as a revolutionary natural disinfectant.

Keywords: zingerone, natural disinfectant, Escherichia coli, minimal inhibitor concentration broth dilution method.

Subject: Biotechnology thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2024
School: College of Medicine and Public Health
Supervisor: Harriet Whiley