The role of tourism marketing in changing perceptions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: stakeholder perspectives

Author: Faisal Qasem A Almalki

Almalki, Faisal Qasem A, 2022 The role of tourism marketing in changing perceptions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: stakeholder perspectives, Flinders University, College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

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Tourism is the world's most popular and fastest-growing service. It is generally accepted

as an important factor in economic progress. Due to its Islamic background, Saudi Arabia is one

of the oldest and most well-known destinations for pilgrimage travel. However, there is a real

need to find out what people think about tourist marketing and development in Saudi Arabia.

This is because there are overlapping roles and conflicting priorities among the concerned

stakeholders. In this context, the research attempted to evaluate how tourism marketing may

influence international tourists' perceptions of Saudi Arabia. Using a case study and qualitative

methods, the researcher was able to gather important tourist stakeholders' perspectives on

marketing in Saudi Arabia. According to the survey, tourist marketing is important for Saudi

Arabia's economic development. A first look at the survey demonstrates how tourism marketing

has evolved and changed across the nation. As a result, potential tourists are better informed of

their possibilities. This boosts Saudi Arabia's global attractiveness. Tourism marketing is also

essential due to increased tourist numbers. It is also a powerful tool for promoting tourism and

attaining industrial aims. Thus, tourism marketing is crucial in educating tourists about the nature

and value of tourist attractions. This will increase tourist visits and stay. It also helps the

Kingdom's 2030 tourism investment goal.

Keywords: Stakeholders, tourism marketing, tourism development, Saudi Arabia

Subject: Tourism thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2022
School: College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Supervisor: Dr.Gareth Butler