Inundation modelling for mapping the hydraulic response of wetlands using hydraulic structures for management of aquatic fauna: a case study for Sugar Shack complex

Author: Sameep Bimal Chhetri

Chhetri, Sameep Bimal, 2019 Inundation modelling for mapping the hydraulic response of wetlands using hydraulic structures for management of aquatic fauna: a case study for Sugar Shack complex, Flinders University, College of Science and Engineering

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The research was performed to answer the research question Can the use of upgraded regulators serve to help utilise the wetlands of Sugar Shack System for Common Carp management and Native fish promotion? The potential significance of the research was to understand the capabilities of hydraulic models and importance of inundation modelling in understanding the hydraulic response of wetlands when artificially inundated. Common Carp (Cyprinus cario) are a pervasive and successful alien pest fish species that has invaded most parts of the Murray Darling Basin in a span of less than 50 years. They are widespread and abundant with biological attributes that allows the population to rapidly expand. Inundation modelling provides an estimation of extent of flow in a given terrain. Carp readily react to change in flow regimes. When used in conjunction with dynamic fish models, inundation modelling can help develop site specific plans for carp management and recruitment of native species with regards to different flow regimes. The primary data source was a Digital elevation Model (DEM) for the study area and the flow rate data of the Murray River which is the primary source of flow in the study area. The DEM was used to provide the continuous terrain profile of the study area. An estimate of the flow rate for the inlet of the study area was calculated using conservation of mass as no field measured flow rate data was present. A 2D HECRAS model was used to simulate the flow in the study area. The model was calibrated using the measured water depth value upstream of LOCK 1 of the Murray Daring Basin. Simulated hydraulic structures (Gates) were placed at different sites of the study area and the model was simulated under different operational phase of the gates. Water depth map and velocity maps along with shear stress profiles were generated for the entire model. Inundation extent of Wetland 13 of the sugar shack complex was found to be in direct correlation of the operational phase of the gate placed at its outlet. A literature review based on the relation between fish movement and alteration in flow regimes was conducted and speculations on Wetland 13 as a potential site for carp spawning and recruitment under artificial inundation were made.

Keywords: Hydraulic Modelling, GIS, HECRAS 2D, Common Carp.

Subject: Engineering thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2019
School: College of Science and Engineering
Supervisor: Dr. Mark Lethbridge