An investigative study of the impacts of not legalizing abortion in Sri Lanka

Author: Champika Subhashini Kahatapiti Pathirannehelage

Kahatapiti Pathirannehelage, Champika Subhashini, 2021 An investigative study of the impacts of not legalizing abortion in Sri Lanka, Flinders University, College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

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Unsafe abortion is a critical, yet barely noticed, reproductive health danger in the developing world. It affects women seeking abortions, their families and many others. The health system also suffers with the increased demand from women seeking care due to complications arising from unsafe abortion procedures. The issue of unsafe abortion has and will continuously lead to preventable mortality and morbidity consequences for millions of women in the world. Therefore, immediate, prompt measures must be taken to mitigate unsafe abortions and the associated consequences. This problem extends to Sri Lanka and will be the focus of this paper. Resolving the issue of unsafe abortion in Sri Lanka by reforming the current stringent abortion law is desperately necessary for the responsible agencies in the country. This research thesis has focused, analyzed, and synthesized previous studies on the topic in detail whilst expanding and further commenting upon key issues. It argues that the decriminalization of abortion alone will not provide proper provisions or long-term solutions for the abortion issue itself in Sri Lanka. Other changes including education and accessible health plans will also be required. This research thesis revises and scrutinizes the prevailing factors, which impact on the issue of essential, yet, unsafe abortions in third world countries. The situation for all females in Sri Lanka could be improved if all other associated factors of reproductive health, education, socio-economic, religious, political, legal, and gender norms and advocates came together for positive change and reform.

Keywords: Unsafe Abortion, Illegal Abortion, Underperformances of Legacy, Prevailing Abortion Law, Unwanted Pregnancy, Family Planning, Maternal Mortality, Teenage Pregnancies, Cultural and Religious Matters, Risk Factors, Contraceptives

Subject: Women's Studies thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2021
School: College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Supervisor: Professor Sharyn Roach Anleu