Port MacDonnell and heritage

Author: Purdina Kae Guerra

Guerra, Purdina Kae, 2021 Port MacDonnell and heritage , Flinders University, College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

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This paper connects Australia’s attitude to cultural heritage to the changes of a jetty in a small rural town along on the Limestone Coast of South Australia, Port MacDonnell. The focus of this paper is the evolution of the town’s jetty which is the main aspect element of maritime infrastructure and a key attraction for holiday seekerstourists. The jetty opened in 1860. T and for a time the port was the second busiest in South Australia during the heyday of the while the merchant shipping industry was operable. Trade goods, predominately wool, were brought from surrounding towns to Port MacDonnell and exported to Europe. Through the jetty, tThis thesis paper explains examines heritage significance to in Australia. It is argued that the meaning of heritage is not set-in-stone rather theat its’ definition alters amongst between generations and ethnic groups. There are five main periods discussed, and they include the colonial period, early twentieth century, post-war period, early late twentieth century and the 2015 restoration of the jetty. During each of these eras, Australia as a nation gradually built developed an identity independent of Great Britain whom colonised Australia until 1901. Their This evolving identity prompted generated the cultural values then underpinning the Australian definition of heritage significance which is witnessed has emerged today.

Keywords: heritage, jetty

Subject: Archaeology thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2021
School: College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Supervisor: John McCarthy