Is access and equity extended to New Zealand prisoners who are hard of hearing?

Author: Louise Carroll

Carroll, Louise, 2016 Is access and equity extended to New Zealand prisoners who are hard of hearing?, Flinders University, School of Social and Policy Studies

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This policy and public administration thesis aims to explore the extent to which access and equity in services is extended to New Zealand prisoners who are hard of hearing. The thesis makes a contribution to policy by determining to what extent the capabilities of prisoners with hearing loss have been addressed since the 1981 Bowers report. The latter report highlighted that all Maori and 84% of other New Zealanders tested in prison had abnormal ears and/or hearing loss. The thesis explores to what extent her recommendations to address testing and preventing hearing loss have been implemented and makes recommendations on the need to enhance social inclusion and social justice opportunities through better testing protocols in prison. Thus, this thesis details gaps in the existing services and in theoretical terms makes an original contribution to the policy literature by applying the capabilities approach to prisoners in New Zealand correctional services.

Keywords: hearing loss, prisoners, New Zealand, Human Capabilities Approach, Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, autoethnography, hearing screening in prisons,

Subject: International Studies thesis, Policy and Administration thesis

Thesis type: Doctor of Philosophy
Completed: 2016
School: School of Social and Policy Studies
Supervisor: Associate Professor J. McIntyre