Applying visualisation to map the innovation ecosystem in identifying product opportunities

Author: Muhammad Shakir

Shakir, Muhammad, 2019 Applying visualisation to map the innovation ecosystem in identifying product opportunities, Flinders University, College of Science and Engineering

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In Australia, with the downturn of traditional manufacturing, most notably the automotive sector, coupled with the end of the mining boom, supporting new industries to replace old ones is important. In high-labour cost economies such as Australia, competing on costs alone is unviable. It tempting to simply buy cheaper products for overseas and therefore a shift towards high-value manufacturing and services is more sustainable. Understanding areas of capability, strength, and critical mass among organisations and the underlying innovation ecosystem is vital in developing new industries.

The study first implements a visualisation of an innovation ecosystem in Australia using Google Maps. It allows users to view organisations by industry such as defence, space, renewables, health technologies, ICT, food and agricultural-technology and advanced manufacturing. It also categorises organisations by their role in the innovation ecosystem such as business, government, university, and research institution, funding and support, precincts, accelerators, incubators, and co-working spaces.

Keywords: innovation ecosystem, geo-location, visualisation, tool adoption, visibility, connectedness, coordination, communication.

Subject: Computer Science thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2019
School: College of Science and Engineering
Supervisor: Giselle Rampersad