Assessment for learning: A school-based intervention study in Singapore

Author: Rozi Binte Rahmat

Rahmat, Rozi Binte, 2014 Assessment for learning: A school-based intervention study in Singapore, Flinders University, School of Education

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In Singapore schools, assessment of learning practices have been dominant in shaping everyday classroom instruction. However, in the international literature, increasing emphasis has been placed on the role of assessment for learning (AfL) in effective teaching and learning. One reason for this is that AfL is claimed to enhance teachers' identification of and response to students' learning needs. Also, AfL has been argued to enhance student engagement and self-directed learning. The present research involved the introduction and implementation of some core AfL strategies such as peer feedback, student self-reflections, goal setting, use of performance standards, and teacher written feedback in one school context in Singapore as an intervention. As a result of the intervention, evidence of change and impact on (a) teachers' behaviours, attitudes and beliefs and (b) students' behaviours, attitudes and beliefs were examined. Positive changes included students taking more ownership and responsibility for their learning as they began to understand the language of assessment and learned what they 'know and do not know' and taking actions to address their learning needs. Possible links between AfL experiences and summative examination performance were included in the research. Finally, the research and its results revealed some of the possible barriers to a greater use of assessment for learning in Singapore, which helped formulate recommendations for sustaining AfL practices.

Keywords: Assessment for learning,Confucius-Heritage Culture education,professional learning,lesson study,Professional Learning Communities,Singapore,peer feedback,self-regulated learning,performance standards,summative assessment,mixed methods,self-directed learning,written feedback

Subject: Education thesis

Thesis type: Doctor of Philosophy
Completed: 2014
School: School of Education
Supervisor: Emeritus Professor Alan Russell