Design of a Quantum Computer Operating System

Author: Reid Honan

Honan, Reid, 2024 Design of a Quantum Computer Operating System, Flinders University, College of Science and Engineering

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Quantum computing is a rapidly growing field which has the potential to revolutionise the computing industry. A lot of research has been conducted on quantum algorithms to solve various problems and on creating the hardware that will execute these algorithms. This research fails to notice the gap of Quantum Systems Software that sits in between these two fields of research.This research investigated the field of quantum systems software and designed an elegant operating system to allow parallel processing of quantum algorithms and to manage the associated complexity. Implementation of this system is targeted to drastically reduce the monetary and time costs of running a Quantum Computer while increasing the responsiveness to the user. Findings confirmed that quantum computers can implement parallel processing and that combining existing data in novel ways yields impressive processing speedups with minimal overhead.

Keywords: Quantum Computing, Operating Systems, System Software

Subject: Computer Science thesis

Thesis type: Doctor of Philosophy
Completed: 2024
School: College of Science and Engineering
Supervisor: Michael Haythorpe