A critical analysis of Indonesia's policy on free visa during 2015-2019 period: an intention of Indonesian immigration law

Author: Heru Permana Putra

Putra, Heru Permana, 2022 A critical analysis of Indonesia's policy on free visa during 2015-2019 period: an intention of Indonesian immigration law, Flinders University, College of Business, Government and Law

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This paper critically analyzes the application of free visa policy during 2015-2019 period in Indonesia from the point of view of immigration law. There are 3 research questions that the author answers in this thesis, the first is about the legal foundations of Indonesia's visa-free policy, the second is about whether or not the free visa policy is against immigration law and the last is about the impact of the free visa policy. The author uses mixed method research to answer the research questions by using secondary data collection techniques. Findings demonstrate that this policy should be evaluated by the Indonesian government and the author suggests further research to analyze more deeply the negative impact of this visa-free policy, especially from the security aspect. The role of immigration officials on the negative impact of free visa policy can also be used as further research.

Keywords: Free Visa Policy, 2015-2019 time period, Indonesian Immigration Law

Subject: Policy and Administration thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2022
School: College of Business, Government and Law
Supervisor: DR. Valarie Sands