Chinese Non-governmental Organizations as international conduits: possibilities, limits and prospects

Author: Yuhan Wang

Wang, Yuhan, 2022 Chinese Non-governmental Organizations as international conduits: possibilities, limits and prospects, Flinders University, College of Business, Government and Law

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This thesis has two primary purposes: one is to determine if the possibilities for Chinese NGOs to work as international conduits exist despite all the political and social constraints; the other is to demonstrate a feasible working sphere within the boundaries set by the Chinese policies and social environment. Furthermore, this thesis identifies fields and issues that require a working passage between China and the international world and suggests action approaches.

This thesis adopts a post-positivist research philosophy and interpretive research framework, as well as a qualitative approach to conduct the possibility exploration. A clear and localized Chinese NGO definition is the base ground in this thesis. After examining the policy opportunity, NGO institutional structure and dynamic, and experience in public diplomacy, this thesis is assertive that the possibility for Chinese NOGs being international conduits is considerably high. There could be some limitations in transnational, trans-culture and trans-organizational work: the need for value co-creation, small working scopes, hindered public influences and negligible policy influence. This thesis continues with the prospect of future working framework, organizational learning and operating fields. Following are suggestions on issues that need Chinese NGOs to work as a conveying channel, showcasing the whistle blowers’ protection portrayal.

This thesis reveals an optimistic future for Chinese NGOs to work as an international conduit: one that needs to be within boundaries but valuable in the transcendence of ethics, nation and politics.

Keywords: NGO, Chinese NGO, value co-creation, NGO boundaries, Chinese issues, NGO registration

Subject: Policy and Administration thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2022
School: College of Business, Government and Law
Supervisor: Zhibin Zhang