Design, Optimise and Evaluate a Power Management System for Harvesting Nano-energy.

Author: Tanisha Rose Soldini

Soldini, Tanisha Rose, 2024 Design, Optimise and Evaluate a Power Management System for Harvesting Nano-energy. , Flinders University, College of Science and Engineering

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This study investigates the design, optimisation, and evaluation of a power management system

(PMS) for harvesting nano-energy, specifically focusing on triboelectric nanogenerators (TENG). The overall objective is to create a self-sufficient power source that can extract electrical energy from low-frequency kinetic energy sources. The power management system (PMS) aims to enhance the output characteristics of a TENG to be able to stabilise output voltage, increase current and actuate small electronic devices.

The literature review focused on recent advancements in sustainable and self-sufficient nano- energy power sources, particularly the TENG. Previous research aimed to optimise the TENGs structure, materials, and output performance. Various design adaptions and modifications were proposed including multilayered stack designs and use of artificial intelligence techniques for parameter optimisation. Incorporating a PMS plays a crucial role in optimising TENGs output performance. Strategies such as charge boosting, AC to DC conversions, impedance matching, and voltage regulation were identified. These methods aim to maximise energy output, convert AC to DC, match electrical energy with a load, and stabilise the TENGs output voltage.

This study uses a Voltage Multiplier Circuit (VMC) connected to capacitor, and an LTC3588 energy harvester chip. Evaluation occurred at four different stages: TENG device, VMC, LTC3588 energy harvester chip, and the PMS. Each stage was evaluated independently and as an entire system. Performance was tested under ideal and real-world conditions. Acquired data was validated through statistical analysis, including the 95th percentile assessment and standard deviation over a sample size. These were performed to highlight variability and dispersion across datasets.

Results of the evaluation process demonstrate that the voltage was stabilised, current increased to milliamps, and the PMS successfully powered small electronic devices. Objectives of the study research were met, demonstrating the effectiveness of the designed PMS. This research contributes to the development of sustainable power sources for various applications. Further research can focus on implementing the PMS on a larger scale.

Keywords: Triboelectric nanogenerator, Power management system, Charge boosting, Current, Impedance matching, Power, Rectifications, Voltage regulation,

Subject: Engineering thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2024
School: College of Science and Engineering
Supervisor: Professor. Youhong Tang