Protection of Personal Information used by IOT devices in Health Care

Author: Rohan Taneja

Taneja, Rohan, 2018 Protection of Personal Information used by IOT devices in Health Care, Flinders University, College of Science and Engineering

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The aim of this research is to explore IoT healthcare systems to understand the security concerns and identify secure architectures that can help address these concerns. The report explores the most common applications of IoT in healthcare such as healthcare monitoring and explores in depth the threats that are brought about from using this technology. It explains how security threats can affect the healthcare systems and patients as well as explores the consequences of the same. The research makes use of a secondary literature review based methodology to explore the solutions that are available to counter these threats. It also covers the details of some of the standards that are used in the IoT based healthcare systems for protection including ISO CD 30141 and ISO AWI 21823. IoT based secure healthcare architecture have been explored to understand what can help protect patient care systems from the security threats that arise from IoT network. Some of the architectures and methods details in the report include Elliptic Curve Cryptography, TinySec, Datagram transport Layer security, SEA architecture, and secure IoT architecture using body sensor networks. Based on the analysis of the secondary qualitative data found on the subject, certain recommendations have been made to be followed by organizations using IoT healthcare systems to make their systems secure.

Keywords: Body Sensor Network, TinySec, RFID tag, Wireless Sensor Network, Global System for Mobile Communication

Subject: Computer Science thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2018
School: College of Science and Engineering
Supervisor: Prof. Trish Williams