Business and University Relationships: The nature and extent of advanced manufacturing links and university-industry linkages

Author: Paul Felici

Felici, Paul, 2009 Business and University Relationships: The nature and extent of advanced manufacturing links and university-industry linkages, Flinders University, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences

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Knowledge is now being viewed as the key for the competitiveness of both a region and a business. It plays a critical part in the Research and development, innovation process, regional economic development and national economic growth. This thesis involves two interrelated components investigating the nature of business links in different advanced manufacturing regions in Adelaide and the nature of university-industry links for three South Australian universities. The primary aims of the study is to understand the range of university-industry links and how university academics interact with different industry partners, and understanding how clustered advanced manufacturing businesses interact with other businesses and organisations.

Keywords: manufacturing manufacturing university

Subject: Business thesis, Education thesis

Thesis type: Doctor of Philosophy
Completed: 2009
School: School of Chemical and Physical Sciences
Supervisor: Dr. Stephen Clarke