The use of packaged video modelling and video self-modelling techniques to facilitate conversational interactions for adolescents with autism, who use AAC

Author: Abirami Thirumanickam

Thirumanickam, Abirami, 2017 The use of packaged video modelling and video self-modelling techniques to facilitate conversational interactions for adolescents with autism, who use AAC, Flinders University, School of Health Sciences

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The aim of this study was to determine and compare the effectiveness of packaged video modelling (VM) and video self-modelling (VSM) interventions in promoting reciprocal conversational interactions for adolescents with ASD who use augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) systems. The research questions were addressed in three separate studies: (a) a pilot study, (b) Study 1, and (c) Study 2. The studies were conducted using single-case research designs, namely multiple baseline and alternating treatments designs. Five participants with ASD who used AAC aged between 10 and 18 years participated in the studies. Four scripts (two for video modelling and two for video selfmodelling) were used during intervention for the pilot and main intervention studies. One script was used to assess generalisation in the pilot study, while four additional scripts were used to assess generalisation in the main intervention studies. The independent variable was the type of packaged video-based modelling interventions: (a) video modelling plus instructional prompts and (b) video self-modelling plus instructional prompts. The dependent variables were (a) the number of prompted answers and turns during scripted conversations, and (b) type and number of prompts required in each intervention session. The robust improvement rate difference (R-IRD) measure was used to determine the size of the intervention effect.

Following the pilot study, changes were made in the conversation scripts used during the intervention and generalisation measures in the main intervention studies. The conversation scripts used in the main intervention studies reflected shorter scripts with more generalisable turns. The overall results demonstrated that the VM and VSM were successful to facilitate conversation skills for this group of participants when used in conjunction with least-to-most prompts. Without the additional instruction, VM and VSM yielded small effects in four participants, and moderate effects in one participant. The R-IRD estimates indicated moderate to large treatment effect sizes in four of five participants for prompted conversational interactions. The findings also demonstrated prompts were necessary to elicit interactions for this group of participants. Differential effects were noted between VM and VSM, for two participants, where VSM with prompts demonstrated larger treatment effects. Both, VM and VSM with prompts were equally effective for two others. Neither intervention package was effective in eliciting interactions for one participant.

This research provides preliminary findings and implications for clinical practice and research on the use of packaged video-based modelling intervention to develop conversation skills in adolescent AAC users with ASD. Further research using a greater number of participants and different aspects of video-based modelling (i.e., point-of-view modelling) is recommended.

Keywords: video-modelling, video self-modelling, adolescents, autism, ASD, augmentative and alternative communication, AAC, conversation

Subject: Health Sciences thesis, Speech Pathology thesis

Thesis type: Doctor of Philosophy
Completed: 2017
School: School of Health Sciences
Supervisor: Dr. Willem van Steenbrugge