Secondary Teacher Attitudes Toward Computer-Based Devices in Saudi Arabia

Author: Shatha Ahmad Alharthi

Alharthi, Shatha Ahmad, 2019 Secondary Teacher Attitudes Toward Computer-Based Devices in Saudi Arabia , Flinders University, College of Education, Psychology and Social Work

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In Saudi Arabia there are differing societal expectations in education according to gender. These cultural issues tend to lead to differences in how males and females view technology according to the framework of values and norms in this society and there tends to be a gender gap in information technology access and usage by women. This research examined the attitudes of secondary school teachers in Taif, Saudi Arabia towards the use of computer-based devices in the classroom teaching and learning process. The aim was to examine whether with the increasing pace of advances in technology and especially developments in the use of computer- based devices in schools, gender differences in attitudes towards technology exists in Saudi Arabia. The study collected and analysed data using self-report questionnaires from 547 teachers, which included responses from participants about their attitudes to computer-based devices in education. The results from each participant were examined according to individual demographic information, such as age and gender, as well as years of teaching and computer experience. The study found positive attitudes toward using computer-based devices in the classroom environment were prevalent among both male and female teachers, indicating a change from some studies of attitudes in the past. Contrary to some prior studies, the study did not find an association between teachers of different age, gender, years of teaching, computer experience and their attitudes towards computer devices in schools. Results indicate that positive attitudes towards the use of digital technology in schools are pervasive.

Keywords: Key words: Computer-based devices, attitudes, computer usefulness, computer confidence, computer liking, computer anxiety.

Subject: Education thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2019
School: College of Education, Psychology and Social Work
Supervisor: Dr. Grace Skrzypiec